March 2016

Upcoming Events:
Mark your calendars and register TODAY for the Annual DEF 4th of July 5k Road Race! This race is a family friendly 5k – walk, run, bring a stroller – it’s fun for the whole family. Visit to register and be sure to like us on Facebook to find out everything you need to know about this race and DEF. 

Thank you to all who participated in the DEF Presents Improv Asylum event on March 5th. We had a successful turn out and are so grateful to all of our VIP ticketholders and general attendees, the Duxbury Robotics team, the Duxbury Middle School steel drum band, volunteers, the PAC crew and especially to Norm and Kelly Laviolette and their amazing, talented Improv cast! 

Grant Highlight:

Academic Banners
If you have recently visited Duxbury High School, you may have noticed the new Academic Excellence banners that are hanging in the halls of Main Street. The DEF is proud to have funded these banners which list students who have achieved academic excellence in mathematics, history, English language arts, technology, art, family and consumer sciences, social studies, science, world language, and physical education. Each department (ten in all) named one junior who has demonstrated over three years consistent academic excellence, strong commitment to and interest in the subject, high engagement in the subject, class leadership, and exemplary attendance and behavior. These selected students (one per department) are recognized by having their respective name displayed on the corresponding banner – what student would not love that? The banners provide great inspiration and motivation for students to work hard at a subject they feel passionate about.